Thrive Posture Focus - Standing Bow Pulling Pose

Standing Bow Pulling Pose

Standing Bow Pulling Pose

Standing Bow Pulling Pose

Standing Bow is based on the equalization of action. This tension is what stabilizes your balance, which is essential to properly performing the posture. Over time, this will build strength and better balance. The integrity of the posture alignment and form is crucial and takes precedence over depth.

Sanskrit: Dandayamana-Dhanurasana

Benefits: Standing Bow Pulling Pose is the only posture that moves all the blood to one side of the body and then the other. As one side of your body is being constricted, blood is forced to the open side. This replenishes the body with fresh blood and oxygen, increases circulation to the heart and lungs, and stimulates the cardiovascular system.

This pose also improves the strength and flexibility of the lower spine, opens shoulder joints helping to ease frozen shoulder conditions, and opens the chest cavity which helps deepen breath, cleansing the lungs while strengthening the abdomen.

Technical Points:

  • Hold from the inside, at the ankle, five fingers together

  • Standing leg locked throughout the posture

  • Abdomen and chest are parallel to the floor

  • Continuously keep kicking your leg up as hard as possible

  • Both feet should be in one line from the side

  • Stretch your fingertips forward

  • Touch your shoulder to your chin

  • Two shoulders should be in one line

Important Things to Remember:

  • Standing Bow builds patience, determination, and concentration

  • Don’t dive forward into this position too fast, stay in control

  • Let the power of the kick do the work

  • Kicking and stretching should be equal and simultaneous, 50/50

  • If you lose balance, you’re not kicking hard enough

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